Corporate Venture Capital im Bankensektor: Eine Fallstudie
Autor: Hannes Maxin
Nummer: 566, Oct 2015, pp. 25
JEL-Class: G24, M13
Digitization of society has a strong effect on the banking sector. This circumstance is shown by the increasing success of young FinTech firms and the pressure to innovate for traditional banks. Therefore Commerzbank AG found an own corporate venture Capital firm (CVC firm), the Main Incubator GmbH, in March 2014. This CVC firm supports its parent company to cooperate with FinTech firms and to implement synergy potential for the own core business. In the research literature CVC activities are primarily assigned to the industrial and service sectors and not to the banking sector. Due to this fact Main Incubator is an unusual case, which is analyzed in a case study. The aim of this project is to show specific characteristics of a CVC firm of the banking sector.
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